How to convert Unicode text to UTF-8 text

The demo will show you how to convert Unicode text to UTF-8 text in C-strings in 6 simple steps.

UTF-8 is a way to encode Unicode texts as 8-bit bytes instead of 16-bit words. UTF-8 has advantages in some cases:

  • Your texts are primarily latin characters (ASCII).
  • Your old compiler does not understand 16-bit Unicode.

Original C-string with Unicode as 16-bit words:
16-bit Unicode text

Modified C-string with Unicode as 8-bit bytes:
8-bit Unicode text

How to convert Unicode text to UTF-8 text

With this procedure you can convert both ways between 16-bit and 8-bit Unicode encoding.

How to make the same font from the commandline

Start IconEdit:


Open the Library Font, it can be C-Source .c or Compressed .cbn:

C:\IconEdit\IconEdit.exe C:\Font\

Read the text for the optimized font with :O, IconEdit finds the C_Strings and makes a font for the texts in the C-Strings:

C:\IconEdit\IconEdit.exe C:\Font\ :OC:\Text\Astronomy.c

Set output font name with :F, the name should be related to the input text:

C:\IconEdit\IconEdit.exe C:\Font\ :OC:\Text\Astronomy.c :FC:\Font\Astronomy_c.c

Set modified output text name with :J, the name should be related to the input text, and have the same type:

C:\IconEdit\IconEdit.exe C:\Font\ :OC:\Text\Astronomy.c :FC:\Font\Astronomy_c.c :JC:\Text\Astronomy__c.c

Set modified output text C-String type :U, use 8 for UTF-8:

C:\IconEdit\IconEdit.exe C:\Font\ :OC:\Text\Astronomy.c :FC:\Font\Astronomy_c.c :JC:\Text\Astronomy__c.c :U8

Match output text string character type to the utf-8 format with :M yes:

C:\IconEdit\IconEdit.exe C:\Font\ :OC:\Text\Astronomy.c :FC:\Font\Astronomy_c.c :JC:\Text\Astronomy__c.c :U8 :My

This generates the text optimized font Astronomy_c.c and a modified text Astronomy__c.c

HowTo demo button How to make C-source code fonts home.

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